My Full Review of The Company Sutra Beauty & It's Rose Ceramic Flat Iron - InfluencerMrsNita202/Owner of HBHairShopping & Heavenly Beautiful Hair

 My Review of the company

Sutra Beauty & It’s Rose Ceramic Flat Iron

FULL/LENGTHY/DETAILED REVIEW - (Warned!) But, Worth your reading time!

by. MrsNita Owner of Heavenly Beautiful Hair & HBHair Online Beauty Supply Shop  ~The_Only1InfluencerMrsNita202

This has been the worst experience with a product warranty and its company EVER!!

Emphasis on "EVER"

I purchased a Sutra Beauty flat iron (Sutra Hair Straightener Magnetic Plates- Pink) with a Lifetime Warranty, from the Sutra Beauty representative Matan T. at Northlake Mall in Charlotte, NC on April 20,2015. I purchased it after being experimented on in the mall during a product showing, to use in my beauty salon. I had the product for 5 years and everything was working great! My clients and I fell in love with this flat iron so much, that it had become a popular use request when a client would visit for such services. I called her *Da Pink Slayer*. She heats up just right, has the perfect temperature control settings. When you place the iron on the hair, it does not burn nor does it leave that cloud of smoke indicating that the iron is too hot for the client's hair type. It does not leave your hair feeling dried out or overheated when applied. It leaves your hair feeling fluffy and healthy with much shine.

Anywho! So, after 5 years, it finally crashed. Luckily, I was doing my own hair at the time, testing out a new look and the ceramic irons had cracked, I was hearing a popping sound while straightening my hair. When I looked at the iron to see what the noise was, the plates had started to crack and spread. It was plugged in and turned on. I hurried to unplug it and immediately went to grab my box(LFTM Warranty states you must have it), receipt info(Must have it) and, my warranty details to get *Da Pink Slayer* back up and running, as I stated before, she has provided me with very happy, returning customers. I reached out on January 19, 2020, to the customer service email listed on the warranty card (And, Yes! There was only an email provider, no phone # to call a live voice to actually feel taken care of by a human and not a bot). 

So, I get to writing my email, I provided all the information needed to move forward with my warranty replacement (Which also required a $20 co-pay for Shipping & Handling USA in order to replace the prior Iron, ie. Lifetime Warranty-written on warranty card).  

Email reply from Zendesk as a certificate of receipt for Sutra Beauty:


Jan 19, 12:32 PST

##- Please type your reply above this line -##

Your request (1439) has been received and is being reviewed by our support staff.

To add additional comments, reply to this email.

This email is a service from Sutra Beauty. Delivered by Zendesk 

Customer service replied back to me stating:

Denton (Sutra Beauty) Jan 20, 10:30 PST

Hi MrsNita202,

The coupon code will lower the price to $29.99 which is the service fee for the warranty.

Please note if you live outside of the US there is an additional fee for shipping.

By choosing the online option, you do not need to send us the product back. You can keep it or toss it, it's up to you.

So, I read the email in its entirety and there was no code provided in the email, weird, but I thought maybe they forgot or will send it in another email, or maybe I have to check out and it will be instantly applied to my cart. So, I hop on over to the tab to order my iron under my Sutra Beauty account and it was charging me $79.99 at checkout there was no code indicated as a credit in my account, just nothing. 

I emailed Sutra back the next day asking for the “Code”. 


Jan 21, 09:09 PST

Where is the coupon code? How do I get it?

Crickets, Birds Chirping, complete silence

And 3-4 days later……... I emailed Sutra again:


Jan 24, 06:33 PST

Hello? Where is the coupon code? 

On Tue, Jan 21, 2020, at 12:08 PM Nita <> wrote:

Where is the coupon code? How do I get it?

Finally, an email appears……. And, Yes! It was from Sutra Beauty

Sutra Beauty (Sutra Beauty)

Jan 24, 14:16 PST

Hi MrsNita202,

Your Iron has been approved under the warranty policy.

Sorry for the inconvenience - please follow the link, select the color and add to shopping cart.

Please copy and paste the coupon code below with the link provided at check out to exchange your product.

Coupon Code: XXXXXXX

Website link:

After receiving the 1st email, I was thinking mmm $29.99 what happened to $20, (shoulder shrug-to happy I was getting it replaced quickly- that $29.99 went over my head when first mentioned). I happily get to the site, just stoked, happy, and ready to get this bad girl replaced, so I can get back to slaying hair. When I got to check out, after spending much time picking out one that I felt was for “MY CLIENTS & I”, I entered the code, it then states that I will need to provide a credit card to pay $29.99. I thought to myself “mmmm, wonder what the extra $9.99 is for? I did know that my warranty stated $20 for US S&H. Yes, I know it’s only a $9.99 difference but, that’s $9.99 that can be put into the household or it can be put back into my business for future orders from Sutra Beauty. So, I placed my order because I did not want to keep my clients waiting any longer. Received the Order Confirmation email from Sutra immediately. 

I emailed customer service back because I had questions. Email as follows:


Jan 24, 2020, 5:36 PM

to Sutra

Thank you for your response. I have made the purchase, but I had some questions. Why is the iron different and the price is a whole lot lower than what it's originally priced at as well as what I originally paid for it? Am I missing something here? I really look forward to hearing from you soon. Again, thank you!

Quick “I know” moment: 

And, I know what you're thinking here! Why in the world does MrsNita202 want to or even expect to pay more for the iron than what it is now offered/priced at prior to the very first purchase.

Well, it originally cost $275 MSRP. I was offered a promotional discount for participating in the demonstration at the mall, when there were no takers, I sat down to give it a go. The seller Matan T., offered me a discounted rate paying $117.69 for it. The “Replacement Iron” is now priced on their website for $79.99. This new iron is weak and is not the thick, strong, and sturdy iron the Sutra company used to offer. The older irons had stability and longevity, these new irons are tanking in a matter of days and Sutra's response is detailed below. Keep reading - Yes, I know this is a long review but it’s worth it, trust me you’ll thank me after the scoop! 

Well, ladies and gentlemen, to answer the joking question above, here you go…….I have much experience with using products at a low and high cost and have come to note that sometimes more can actually be better, in certain cases if you want the results you want, especially if you are familiar with the brand and the product.


The cheap $79.99 iron with code $29.99 started to damage and have issues in a matter of days. The Originally priced MSRP $275 with a discount provided making it a total of $117.69 iron, worked for 5 years until it needed to be replaced. My 1st original iron cost more and worked wonders, it tamed the frizz, leaving your hair feeling fluffy, healthy, and shiny. It also came with frizz serum and a stylish heat resistant comb, the replacement did not. The "replacement" iron is really poor. It leaves your hair brittle, still very much frizzy, puffy, and a dried out look, due to the lack of it heating abilities it provided (luke-warm) and it rips your hair out by the strands when using it. So in short, you get what you pay for, you buy cheap, you get cheap. In this case, I had no choice in choosing the quality, just picking a "pretty" color, for a lesser valued product than what I originally purchased. I was only offered "cheap". Sometimes investing a little more can actually turn out in your favor to go a long way in the long run.  

Back to the review/story at hand:

Sutra Replies:

Sutra Beauty (Sutra Beauty)

Jan 24, 14:44 PST

Hi MrsNita202, 

Since your original purchase, we have released new products with new technology and have lowered the cost of the Ceramic Flat Iron.  The quality of the Ceramic Flat Iron has remained the same.

Okay so, I thought nothing shady of it further, as a business salon owner, I am aware that products and techniques change as the beauty industry changes, grows, and expands daily. 

I replied with:


Jan 24, 2020, 5:45 PM

to Sutra

Gotcha! Thank you so much!

On January 27, 2020, I get one of the greatest emails known to any online shopper:


Sutra Beauty via 

Jan 27, 2020, 6:27 PM

to me

Your order is on the way

Your order is on the way. Track your shipment to see the delivery status.

An order # was provided with all the details of what I ordered as well as the tracking and shipping information. Which was great! I could not have been happier. I had started to inform my clients that *Da Pink Slayer* was on the way.  

On January 30, 2020, I get another one of those greatest emails known to any online shopper again:


Sutra Beauty via 

Jan 30, 2020, 9:10 AM

to me

Your order has shipped!

We've got some good news! All of the items from your order #XXXX have now been shipped.

They are being shipped via USPS to the following address: 

My Address Was Here of Course!

On January 30, 2020, Same Day! I get THE GREATEST of THE GREATEST emails ever known to any online shopper!


Sutra Beauty via 

Thu, Jan 30, 6:55 PM

to me

Your order has been delivered!

All of the items from your order #XXXX have now been delivered!

Haven't received your package yet? Let us know.

So, I am home, I get this email, I immediately go out to check my mailbox and around my porch, there was nothing, nada, zip, zilch, zero, no package, no flat iron at all in my mailbox nor on my porch. Not a note or a knock on my door (because they have done that before). I called the number that was listed on my delivered email from Sutra (Finally a phone number is provided) I am waiting and waiting and no response just waiting, so I get my computer to reach out to Sutra as well as USPS to let them know it states the driver delivered the package, but it was not indeed delivered to my address or mailbox. To no avail, no one came to the line to answer my call, so I had to message the chatbot on their website in hopes of a response.

Chat With Sutra As Follow: (keep in mind during this chat time I waited anywhere from 7-15 minutes in between responses as well as left holding for long periods of time before a response replied. The entire scenario (chat) took almost 2 hours to get resolved. Now, this issue was cutting into my family/home life, ie. getting dinner going, assisting hubby with the kids, etc. because I had to sit through this long driven fiasco in order to get help. 

Please introduce yourself:

Sign up for a newsletter

ME: Where is my flat iron?????? Please help

Sutra: Thank you for contacting us. Unfortunately, no one is available right now. Our normal business hours are: Monday-Thursday 9:00AM-6:00PM PST Friday 9:00AM-3:00PM PST We have received your message and someone will contact you within those hours.

The following day:

ME: Where is my flat iron?????? Please help

Sutra: Hello, can you please provide your name and order number so that I may further assist you?

ME: Order #XXXX, Nita, thank you.

Sutra: Sure here is your tracking number XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX it appears to have been delivered on Thursday 1/30

ME: I have already tracked this and it says delivered and that has been since last week and the mail has come a few times since and still no package

Sutra: It appears to have been delivered with USPS, please contact them to further investigate this issue.

ME: I have done that I have submitted the package as not received. Please send me a new iron or else give me my money back. This is highly unfair and unacceptable. I will not settle with you telling me that no I’m sorry this issue needs to be resolved TODAY.

Sutra: Did you file a claim with USPS?

ME: Yes and as I am currently online with them, is there anything you need from them. I am on with them the same way I am on with you because I am still searching for my DELIVERED package. They have informed me that I need to contact your company for a refund or replacement as they have documented the missing package in their claims system.

Sutra: Ok, Please provide that claim number from USPS so that we can further look into this matter and provide you with a resolution.

ME: What is the name and number of your manager?

Sutra: We are working to resolve this issue.

ME: Name and Number please or patch me to a supervisor 

Sutra: Great. Please advise the claim number they provide you with. Our phone number is 8557887255

ME: I am waiting to be patched to a super thanks

Sutra: We would be happy to mail you a replacement once we can confirm that there was a claim filed with the USPS since the tracking number states that the package was delivered. 


Sutra: thank you We will send another replacement out today please verify your address

ME: Provides my full mailing details, ie. full name business name, and address.

ME: confirmation, please 

Sutra: yes ok we will send you a tracking number as soon as we have one 

ME: good how much longer do I have to wait?

Sutra: shipping usually takes 2-5 business days 

ME: great will I receive an email or will the site update with the new iron order details

Sutra: I will email you with the new tracking # once we have it 

ME: okay that is all


So I received the replacement iron within the next few days. After using the iron for the first time, I started to notice the print on the flat iron burning off into my hair(little plastic chips) when I put the iron to my hair. I said to myself “this has to be a joke or something. This is NOT the Sutra Beauty Irons I am used to using, this seems like a knockoff”. The iron was very lightweight, much lighter than my prior iron, but hey! Like I stated before, as a stylist, I do know times are changing and so are the products and techniques used in the beauty industry. Also, I noticed it did not heat up well, it got luke-warm, not really flattening the hair. 

I got on the phone again! And no answer, again! I already had a bad, and very long boring wait on the phone last time, when my package was missing, to never get an answer. I did not want to put myself through that agony again. So, I hop on the chatbot again on their website in hopes of some help. I wrote in about what my issue was that I was chatting about. I was placed in a waiting line, then after a certain amount of time waiting, the chatbot went offline, leaving my questions and concerns unanswered. I send the questions and concerns through email. I do the steps above in contacting them on multiple days for weeks, even sending out emails, with contacting the chatbot too, the phone number is a joke, no one ever answers! I guess it's just there to look business-like to its consumers. I never got a voice, if you did, Way to GO! Please do tell us all, what is your secret?

Anyways, a great length of time passes by as you can see, I received the replacement iron in the early days of February 2020 (guesstimating on the 5th, I don’t have my USPS account pulled up right now-lol) and used the iron a few days after delivery. First let me tell you, when it arrived it arrived in bubble wrap only, no box, nothing to protect it, just it and the bubble wrap. Unbelievable right!? Well get this, so, I open it and oh my goodness, there are reddish/brown hair strands already in the plate of the iron, I take pictures and send them to Sutra. You could also see the iron was bending apart from the plates, appeared to have been melted a little. I email them after taking pics, I disinfect the iron using 90% Alcohol, plugged it up to test it out, then the paint happened. Their response came on March 6, 2020. 

I then get a response from a Sutra rep stating:   

New message from

Mar 6, 2020, 1:35 PM

to me

Hi Nita,

I am terribly sorry that you feel that your flat iron was replaced with an infirior product, however, the quality of our flat irons has not been altered.  Through our warranty program, we replace 

Customer Service from


I wrote back replying: 


Mar 6, 2020, 5:53 PM

to fagxrps4wlquqfpcyatbkvjaa7hmdtz6-105ab7f690e244be

And how do you explain the cover of the iron peeling off when the iron is operating leaving chips of it in your hair. The iron is literally white underneath the floral print it is obviously covered in. My original flat iron did no such thing at all, no peeling doesn’t heat and straighten the hair the way the original sutra flat iron I owned had done. This flat iron is inferior in quality, and I demand a better iron or my money back for this replacement as well as my money back for the original product purchased since a replacement of the same exact iron or better or equal quality can’t simply be an option. I do not accept this and I will not accept this. I look forward to hearing back from your company soon.



And do you know still till this day 12/13/2020, Unfortunately, I still have yet to get assistance with my purchase 🙁. I feel like they didn’t honor their Mission nor their, Money back guarantee promise (see it in my images below the blog). I was not provided a replacement nor a refund when inquired. I also feel, that they did not like the review that was written by me about the iron when requested to do so after my purchase, so they ignored me, in hopes that I would go away. I have yet to replace *Da Pink Slayer* to this day. No Sutra iron comes close to what she did.

Thank you Sutra Beauty for killing my customer service described “best flat iron used” in my shop. I shall stand by my decision, not to purchase any more products from Sutra Beauty until this issue is resolved accordingly, and an apology would be presentable from the customer service to consumer standpoint of view. Also, acknowledging it on the Business to Business(B2B) level, for return business relationships to build, starting out on good trusting terms. And even if this day never comes, because pride can sometimes be a downfall to anything and anyone, who allows it to consume them over what is necessary and ethically right. 

I want this detailed review to reach consumers-a-like, business owners with customer service as such, such businesses who have or in the coming future may consider making a purchase from this company. I don’t want the “Pretty-Painted” reviews to “Get You - Pull You In” and you make that purchase not knowing fully, what is or will be at stake after you hit submit. I Also, hope to reach other beauty professionals alike as well to give them an in-depth review of this individual product, the Rose Ceramic Flat Iron manufactured and sold by Sutra Beauty. I also wanna provide an insight on the previous Flat Iron Sutra used to offer (some of you may already know/own one) and also lay out the details of my customer service experience from A to Z. 

Now that you have this information, I hope that you purchase accordingly and have much success in your future endeavors with this company.

Thanks for Reading!

Happy Holidays 


Stay Safe!

Pics of the Original Sutra Magnetic Plates Hair Straightener & The Replacement Sutra Ceramic Hair Iron

Pic ↓ To *Da Pink Slayer*         May She R.I.Pink           RETIRED

Pic ↓ To *Da Pink Slayer*         May She R.I.Pink           RETIRED

The "Replacment" Sutra Beauty Rose Ceramic Flat Iron B.K.A "Replacement Rose"

Pic ↓ Melted looking plates on arrival    Pic ↓ Redish-Brown Hair strand in Iron on arrival

Pic ↓ Plates appear bent/melted              Pic ↓ Plates are scratched and flimzy-looking

Once applied to the hair, the iron paint peelings was in my hair.
When wiping the iron to remove the peelings it dramatically 
wipes off much paint/print, and this is just using a piece of tissue and alcohol. 
It should not do that. 
                                                  ↓ Pics of Replacement Rose 

The Outcome of Replacement Rose ↓

The Outcome of Replacement Rose↓

Hair Layed & Slayed with Da Pink Slayer 

They loved *Da Pink Slayer* Styles 

Hair Bushy & Un-Slayed With Replacement Rose

Da Pink Slayer 1st purchase Original Box ↓     VS.  How Replacement Rose Arrived 


You can find this ↓ posted on their website: Sutra Beauty

To pursue our commitment to quality and innovation, we continually strive to develop the most effective and cutting-edge hair tools for both salon and in-home use

👎 I Do NOT Recommend 👎 Zero Star Rating 



Purchased, Tested/Used, Rated & Reviewed By. 

MrsNita Owner of Heavenly Beautiful Hair & HBHair Online Beauty Supply Shop 





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